A/B Testing with GSC like seotesting.com
in progress

Vojtěch Bruk
Basically the possibility to conduct a A/B tests using GSC.
- You specify the URLs when you changed SOMETHING
- You specify the URLs when you changed NOTHING
- Then the app pulls the data from GSC and compare two groups (clicks and impressions) on a daily basis.
- After one week it shows the result and tell you if its statistically significant change so you know if to make / make not that change)
I know its not an easy feature at all, but it would be just 🤯 to have it there!
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Tommy Delorme
OMG in progress, that's a f*ckg good news!!!!!!!!!

Vojtěch Bruk
Tommy Delorme yesss, this will be so 🔥🔥�

Phuc Le
in progress

Vojtěch Bruk
Phuc Le sooo hyped about this �

Phuc Le

Vojtěch Bruk
Phuc Le really planned? OMG, would be soooo sick!

Phuc Le
Vojtěch Bruk yeah, I am rebuilding the GSC integration. I will add this too. It's a good feature request. Thank you!

Vojtěch Bruk
Phuc Le such a legend 🙏